Sunday, September 28, 2008

Max Laughs

Wow... It's been awhile since that last post and I can't believe Mr. Max is already 3.5 months old. He is growing so fast. I found him on his belly the other morning like a bug trying his hardest to turn back around without much success. Scary. I turned him over asap! He's also become the perfect audience for us, giggling and laughing at everything we do. If Max's smiles were crack cocaine, then call me Amy Winehouse! (see posted movie and you'll be addicted too)

Next week we will be traveling up to NY for Nancy's wedding! Can't wait!!! It will be Max's 2nd time flying and I'm hoping he'll be as good as he was the 1st time.

Ciao for now.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Nonno comes to visit

What a Surprise! Dad came down from NY to visit Max. I was totally surprised. Mom and Nancy had it all planned out weeks before and had Noll in on the secret too.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Meet our new baby boy, Maximilian!

Originally uploaded by The_real_twomartinis

Last night we welcomed our first child into the world. Absolutely surreal!!!

Josie went into early labor around 5 in the morning; and we delivered this cutie at 11:34PM, Friday the 13th, 2008

Josie did great through the whole labor, she's such a trooper! She went into some serious back labor around 2PM, so we got the epidural. After that it was smooth sailing, Josie was able to rest up through the evening.

By 10:30 she was fully dilated, ready to begin pushing. We actually waited until after 11:00 for family to arrive, then we got the show on the road. Josie gave about 10 pushes and that was it!


Monday, May 19, 2008

32 Week Baby Profile!

Here is the latest baby glamor shot at 32 weeks. Looks like baby kinda takes after papa Kretschmann!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

2 and 2

Well, we are down to 2 months and 2 days until baby Kretschmann comes (photo 31 weeks). I can't believe it is almost here. Noll and I still have a lot to do, so we're in no hurry for our special delivery!

We've been taking our weekly maternity classes at the hospital and they've been helpful for the both of us. Last week we learn about C-sections and the week before was all about going o'natural.

I'm down to weekly visits with the Doc and next week we take another peek via ultra-sound to see the position of the baby and how big its getting. That'll be my 32 week! The doctor keeps getting my weeks mixed up because we thought we were supposed to go in for a u/s last week.. huh!

Went to Home Depot the other day and ANOTHER lady told me as I was cashing out that she thought I was having a girl. But this time I got... "I think you're having a BIG baby girl!" Well...we see if they're right pretty soon.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Easter in Charlotte

Nancy and Glen came down from Rochester to visit for Easter. The visit was filled with wedding dress shopping and baby registry shopping and just hanging out. We had a great time together!